Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests

Which are the popular Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests?

Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests include pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and invasive tests. These tests help to assess how well the lungs are working. The tests measure lung volume, rates of flow, lung capacity, and gas exchange. These tests can help the chest physician or pulmonologist to diagnose and decide the treatment of respiratory/lung disorders.

Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)

Sometimes, a person experiences shortness of breathe or troubled breathing. In such cases, your doctor may perform PFTs as part of Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests.


Why is it done? Spirometry is a PFT that is used to measure lung function. It assess breathing patterns. It specifically identifies conditions like asthma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD).

  1. How is it done?

The patient blows into a tube attached to a spirometer as rapidly and as hard as possible for as long as they can. It takes about 15 minutes to complete this test.

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary function technician performs this test. It costs approximately INR 700 – 1000 in India.

Methacholine Challenge Test 

  1. Why is it done?

 A methacholine challenge test is typically used to diagnose asthma. 

  1. How is it done?

The spirometry test is first performed, and the patient, in small doses, inhales a spray of a drug (methacholine). The drug is given till they experience shortness of breath or begins to wheeze. After this, the spirometry test is done again to evaluate the lung function. 

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary function technologist performs this test. It costs approximately INR 300 – 1500 in India.

Exercise Challenge Test 

  1. Why is it done?

 This test is a similar version of the methacholine challenge test that is specifically performed to diagnose exercise-induced asthma.

  1. How is it done?

The spirometry is done before and after the patient performs a physical activity or exercise to see how it affects breathing. It usually includes walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike.

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary function technologist performs this test. It costs approximately INR 300 – 1500 in India.

FeNO (Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide) Test 

  1. Why is it done?

 It measures the amount of nitric oxide exhaled by the patient and tracks airway inflammation over time. This test is mainly done for diagnosing asthma.

  1. How is it done?

 The patient is asked to breathe slowly and steadily into a mouthpiece attached to a machine that performs the measurement.

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary function technologist performs this test. It costs approximately INR 700 – 1000 in India.

Peak Flow Measurement 

  1. Why is it done?

It is done to detect the early symptoms of uncontrolled asthma and see how well the asthma treatment plan works. This test can also be used to diagnose emphysema and chronic bronchitis.  

  1. How is it done?

 The patient is asked to take a deep breath and blow as hard and fast as possible into a small handheld device called a peak flow meter. A “fast blast” is usually preferred over a “slow blow.”

  1. Quick facts :

This test is commonly performed at home. The device costs approximately INR 500 – 1000 in India.

Pulse Oximetry or Pulse ox :

  1. Why is it done?

 It is commonly used to monitor the oxygen level (saturation) of the patient’s blood and check for health conditions that alter this level. This includes COPD, asthma, and pneumonia.

  1. How is it done?

 A probe (clip-like device) is placed on the fingertip to get the single reading or may be left as such for ongoing monitoring. The probe can also be attached to the earlobe, foot, or toes.

  1. Quick facts :

This test can be performed either at home or in the hospital by a nurse. The device costs approximately INR 400 – 1000 in India.

Lung volume test – Pulmonary Plethysmography

  1. Why is it done?

This test is done to diagnose obstructive and restrictive lung conditions such as COPD, asthma, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, and sarcoidosis.

  1. How is it done?

The patient will sit in a sealed, clear box called a body – box, and their nose will be clipped. After this, the patient will be asked to breathe in and out normally through a mouthpiece for a short time.

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary function technologist performs this test. It costs approximately INR 700 – 1500 in India.

Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests: Lung Diffusion Testing 

  1. Why is it done?

It is done to measure how well the lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide and detect lung damage. Lung conditions such as emphysema, COPD, pulmonary embolism, and pulmonary hypertension can be diagnosed by this test. 

  1. How is it done?

 The patient quickly inhales a specific gas to the total lung capacity and holds their breath for 10 seconds. They are then asked to exhale gently into a tube.

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary technician performs this test. It costs approximately INR 800 – 1500 in India.

Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests: Invasive tests


  1. Why is it done?

 This invasive test is generally done to diagnose tumors or bronchial cancer, airway obstruction, tuberculosis, pneumonia, parasitic or fungi lung infections. It is also used to identify the cause of lung problems and is often used for therapeutic purposes.

  1. How is it done?

 A thin tube called a bronchoscope is passed through the nose or mouth, down the throat, and into the lungs to visualize the inside of the airways. The patient will be sedated during this test.

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonologist performs this test. It costs approximately INR 8000 – 10000 in India.

Mediastinoscopy with biopsy 

  1. Why is it done?

It is typically done to remove the lymph nodes and look for signs of metastatic cancer in the lungs. This test is used to diagnose cancer of the bronchi or mediastinum, thymoma, sarcoidosis, and Hodgkin disease. 

  1. How is it done?

 A small hole is cut in the chest, just above the breastbone, to insert a mediastinoscope for collecting tissue samples. The patient is anesthetized and put on a ventilator during this test. 

  1. Quick facts :

A pulmonary technician performs this test. It costs approximately INR 7000 – 10000 in India.

Pleural biopsy 

  1. Why is it done?

 It is done to check the abnormal spot of pleura seen on the chest imaging tests and identify the cause of the pleural effusion. This test is also used to diagnose a malignant or benign pleural tumor, tuberculosis, and collagen vascular disease.

  1. How is it done?

A special needle is used to collect the tissue samples from the chest cavity after numbing the skin in this region. The biopsy needle is guided to the right place by the use of an ultrasound or CT scan.

  1. Quick facts :

An interventional radiologist performs this test. It costs approximately INR 3500 – 15000 in India.

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